Is it Difficult to Learn the Ukulele? 4 Reasons Why it Isn't

At Bondi Ukuleles, we get a gazillion questions about ukulele every day. As the number 1 ukulele store in the US and Australia, we must be ready all the time to answer these questions. So, for today’s blog, the question we got is: “is it difficult to learn the ukulele?”
If you want to try your hand at learning to play music, then you may want to start with the ukulele. The ukulele is one of the easiest instruments to learn, making it a great way to start your musical journey. Here are some reasons why it’s an easy instrument to learn:
4. It Only Has Four Strings
No strings attached. Kidding!
Ukuleles have only four strings, and that’s a good instrument for beginners or someone who wants to go back to the music scene. An advantage of learning the ukulele is that it only has four strings compared to other string instruments. This means that learning chords is less complicated. For example, a C chord can be played by simply pressing only one string on the fretboard. So, don’t fret, as learning any plucking patterns is also easier because you’re only working with four strings.
3. It’s a Small Instrument.
An adage goes, “start small, and win big!”
Ukuleles are small and portable, which makes them less difficult to learn. A big win for beginners! Although, you still need to learn the proper finger placements and strumming patterns, there is less strain on your back and posture because of its size. And, because ukuleles are small instruments, you can easily bring them anywhere and start strumming your skills in front of everyone!
2. There Are Several Sources Online.
There are several sources where you can learn how to play the ukulele. Thanks to the internet, you can easily search how to play ukulele online and teach yourself. We’ve got tons of tutorial videos on YouTube that you can visit anytime. Click here. Which Instrument Is The Best?
There are many people across the world who can play the ukulele and are willing to share their talents with beginners. Who knows, once you start learning how to play, you can also begin teaching others!
1. The Ukulele Has a Short Learning Curve.
Unlike other instruments, the ukulele has a short learning curve. Learning a few chords can already get you far in terms of how many songs you can play. Since most songs only need around four basic chords, you can already play a variety of songs in a short amount of time. Additionally, the ukulele is a great instrument to start with if you want to continue learning other instruments since it can already teach you basic music theory principles.
Choosing The Right Ukulele For You
Still not convinced? That’s alright. We, at Bondi Ukuleles, are here not only to sell the best ukuleles but also to bring out the best and music in you!
If you’re planning to buy a ukulele to start your music journey, then you can check out our ukulele collection here at Bondi Ukuleles. If you are a beginner and looking for a starter kit, here’s something for you: Learn To Play Start Kits.
We have a variety of ukuleles that are perfect for beginner or expert musicians. You may browse through our website,, or reach out to one of our members to know more about our ukulele collection here. Our team will happily assist you to choose the best ukulele based on your skill level.
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