Easy ukulele songs on YouTube I can follow

Hi there, Casey here. Say, you got your brand new spanking ukulele or maybe you borrowed one to see if this small tiny musical wonder is the perfect instrument for you. You might have asked yourself; what are some easy ukulele songs on YouTube I can follow? Well, there’s a ton of song choices from YouTube that you can use as a guide when starting out your ukulele journey and knowing that ukulele chords are very simple to pull off, let’s talk about the best YouTube videos ideal for beginners to follow.
Step by Step Tutorials
Such videos are those that are more catered to beginners. The details you get from playing a single chord are well thought out for most well-put videos. They are usually not hard to follow because everything is shown step by step. You get to see the finger placement, ideal specific fingers used per string, on which fret, the strum pattern and pretty much everything else. They might be a tad bit boring for some, but if you’re keen on details and want to perfect those fundamental skills and song specific quirks, this is the way to go. Such video is this one, where TenThumbs Productions shows how to play “I’m Yours” by Jason Mraz.
Play Along Videos
These types of YouTube videos are probably the best ones to play along, literally. Not necessarily the easiest, but the most fun. How they work is pretty simple. You find a song you’d like to learn on YouTube and you see the term “Play Along” and you get to learn the song while playing along. How easy are they? Very simple I’d say because well put YouTube videos like these usually display the chords you will play in sequence while the song is playing. Kinda like playing a rhythm game if you’re into that sort of stuff. Learning in this method is pretty fast, straightforward and downright fun. In this example, it’d be hard to not suggest Jason Mraz’s “I’m Yours”, again.
Instrument Care
Okay, this one is cheating. I mean, it technically is easy to take note of important tips in taking care of your ukulele. Why would they matter? Of course they do. A broken ukulele is no use and you won’t be able to do anything else in this guide with it. Makes sense right?
Specific Ukulele Techniques and Tricks
This one’s my favorite type of YouTube video when it comes to broadening your Ukulele playing repertoire. They may not seem easy at first, but being able to pull off certain techniques make learning of certain songs with specific articulations easier. For example, one technique called “Chicken Picking” is demonstrated in this video by Ukulele Hayride. Shows this particular fun technique that emits that “hey y’all this just dills my pickle kind of thing.”
Get All your Ukulele Needs Covered
Okay. So you get a good sense of how fun things can be with an ukulele. In case you haven’t got your ukulele or just trying out a friend or a family’s, maybe it’s time you get your own and fortunately, we got all the options you could ask for and more. No, seriously, we do. Go check out our offers and tell me I’m joking. I’m seriously serious right now, but at the same time, I’m trying to have fun. That’s how ukuleles are! Piqued your interest? Go ahead and check it out!
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