Can music help with stress and anxiety attacks

Hey there folks, Casey here. We all know ukulele is very much known for jolly and cheerful music, but let’s get a tiny bit serious today. Life’s not always about being happy all the time and sometimes people experience negative emotions too. Such emotions include depression, stress and anxiety attacks. Not everybody has it fortunately, but not all who have it step out of their comfort zone and talk about it. It’s a real condition that is a bit difficult to handle. However, it’s not all gloom all the time. Sometimes, all you need to do is introduce a little bit of music in your life and things could be a bit easier. Let’s talk about how music can help alleviate stress and anxiety attacks. So let's answer the question: can music help with stress and anxiety attacks?
Music Therapy
There’s this thing we call “Music Therapy”. Based on evidence-based research from Cochrane Library, introduction of music to people reduces symptoms of depression. In a study of 421 patients, 411 displayed some improvement when they had this music therapy that involved introduction to music. There’s some variance, which might include the person’s music preference, but that could also wildly vary.
Without going through all those mumbo-jumbo, the decrease of symptoms of depression and anxiety attacks were already a strong proof enough that music does somewhat touch the person’s soul in a way that it might cheer people up at some point.
Personal Experience
Okay. I know you guys didn’t come here for all this scientific study stuff, but it doesn’t hurt to start out with them sometimes. We’re just establishing some fact-based statements here *scoff*. But let’s try to simplify things. Let’s look at your past experiences. Ever felt that emotion you had while listening to your favorite song? At times when you feel down and when you listen to some upbeat music, you feel a tad bit “renewed” right? That’s mostly normal because music really does this wonder to the human brain that it makes it release dopamine.
What’s that you say? Dopamine is a chemical responsible for giving us people that feel-good kind of vibe. This is pretty much evident especially when you’re near a very catchy chorus of a song you really like. Cool fact, it won’t matter if the song is sad or happy. As long as you really like the song, it does the same wonder to your brain. Music is magic indeed huh?
Self Help
Then here we are at the ultimate stress busting solution. When you learn to play a musical instrument, be that ukulele, guitar or piano, you’ve got a great outlet to express your feelings. Sometimes, work, school and life in general is just as stressful as they can be and to some, they could trigger anxiety attacks and hammer depression. Interestingly, learning to play music yourself provides a huge boost of self-confidence and with that, a certain amount of contentment or feeling of achievement. Playing music also requires a bit of your focus so it allows you to forget about some of the things that trigger your depression and anxiety attacks. It is temporary, but being able to take a break, even for a bit, allows your mind and heart to compose yourself to fight back. Also, playing music is a social skill that also allows you to connect to people aside from yourself, so that also helps in that part too.
Ease Up and Self-Heal with Music
Here at Bondi Ukuleles, we fully support growth via music and with our musical instruments as medium, we take great pride in bringing some inner peace for those to some extent. Struggling with anxiety or depression? We still 100% recommend that you get family support and professional help to ensure your mental health’s welfare, but with music, you can still support yourself, build self-esteem and be able to distract yourself from stress. Go check some of our offers, prices aren’t so bad to add up to your worries to be honest. Take a look!
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